Frequently Asked Questions regarding PRE-ORDERS


Wellness & Self Care Sale


When are the Wellness & Self Care Sales? When can I start pre-ordering?
The Wellness & Self Care sales events happen multiple times a year, with pre-orders accepted for each sale. All pre-orders must be submitted in-store by the appointed cut-off date according to each sale. Pre-orders are accepted as early as 4-6 weeks before the cut-off date.

What can I pre-order?
You can pre-order anything you want!

If you are not sure if the product you’re requesting is part of the “Natural Living Department” or included in the sale, write it in anyway! A store representative can call you if they have any questions.

Don’t see a product or size you were looking for? Write it in anyway! If we can order it for you, we will. Even if you don’t see it physically in the store, oftentimes we can custom order products so they’re here for you on sale day.

Where is this sale valid?
These sales are valid at all Huckleberry’s Natural Market locations. You can pre-order at any store. Check with your local store for details and dates.

How do I pre-order?
Visit participating sale locations for a pre-order form. Be sure your first and last name and phone number are included on the sheet so a representative can call you with any questions.
Write down the product name, any relevant information (shade, size, etc), and the desired quantity. Turn this form into the Huckleberry’s Department before the cut-off date. That’s it! Your Huck’s team will bag up your items and have them ready for pick up on sale day.


How do I pay for my pre-orders?
You do not pay for your items until the actual day of sale.
You can put your credit card on file (this is a separate form) and have the store charge your card on sale day, or you can choose to pay in person on sale day.

Please note: we cannot take payment over the phone, so if you did not put a credit card on file, then you MUST come in on sale day.

Is there a minimum/maximum pre-order amount?

Do I have to pick up my pre-orders on sale day?

Yes and no.
Option 1: Yes, you will need to go to whichever location you turned your pre-order form into, collect your bag, and go through the checkout line to receive the sale day discount.
Option 2: If you had put your credit card information on file, the store will run your card on sale day automatically. This option allows you can pick up your pre-orders on or after sale day – whenever it’s convenient for you.

Can I pre-order online?
No. The Wellness & Self Care Sales are in-store promotions only. Pre-orders cannot be submitted online.

Where do I find the UPC code?
Customers do not need to fill in the UPC code. The store will take care of that. 


Meat Sale

When is the Meat Sale? When can I start pre-ordering?
The Meat Sale currently happens every fall, with pre-orders accepted roughly a month prior.

How do I pre-order?
Visit the Meat Department for a copy of the pre-order form. Be sure your first and last name and phone number are included on the sheet so a representative can call you with any questions.
Write down the meats and any relevant information (cut, seasonings added, etc), and the desired weight PER POUND (minimum 1 pound) or package quantity. Turn this form into the Meat Department before the cut-off date. That’s it! Your Huck’s team will have your pre-order ready to pick up during the sale.

Is there a minimum/maximum pre-order amount?
There is a $200 required minimum for all Meat Sale pre-orders.

Where is this sale valid?
The Meat Sale is ONLY valid at our Spokane store: 926 South Monroe Street, Spokane, WA 99204.

Bulk Sale


When are the Bulk Sales? When can I start pre-ordering?
The Bulk Sales currently happen twice a year, spring and fall, with pre-orders accepted roughly a month prior.

Where are the Bulk Sales?
Bulk Sales are valid at all Huckleberry’s Natural Market locations. You can pre-order at any store. Check with your local store for details and dates.

How do I pre-order?
Visit the Bulk Department for a copy of the pre-order form. Be sure your first and last name and phone number are included on the sheet so a representative can call you with any questions.
Write down the product, any relevant information, and the desired weight PER POUND (minimum 1 pound). Turn this form into the Bulk Department before the cut-off date. That’s it! Your Huck’s team will have your pre-order ready to pick up during the sale.

Do I have to order by the pound?
Yes, all pre-orders are done by the pound. Bulk items need to be ordered and purchased as unopened bags in the original weight 1 pound, 5 pound, 25 pound or 50 pound. If you have any questions about weight and sizes, call the store and speak to a Huck’s team member.

Can I bring my own containers?
Yes, and we encourage you to do so! Containers must be clean and sanitized. Bring them in and have them weighed PRIOR to the sale. This way a tare goes on your containers and you aren’t charged for the weight of them after they’re filled with the pre-ordered product. 


20% Off Department Sales


When are the 20% Department Sales? When can I start pre-ordering?

The 20% off Department sales currently happen twice a year, summer and winter. Typically pre-orders are accepted a month prior.

Where are the 20% Department sales valid?
These sales are NOT valid at the South Monroe location. These are in-store promotions for Rosauers and Super 1 locations. You can pre-order at any participating location. Check with your local store for details and dates.

Click here to download our generic pre-sale form